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Standing Committees

The success of the Trust is accomplished through the diligent commitment of the standing
committees who have the most significant influence on the Trust’s interests, projects and
overall mission. NOLNet has seven standing committees and each consists of representatives
from all partner institutions. Both the Secretariat and the standing committees are responsible
for the implementation of the Trust’s Key Focus Areas and Strategic Plans.


Standing Committee on Centre Support

The general function of the Centre Support Standing Committee is to advise Management on matters of the realisation of adequately resourcing NOLNet centres as well as ensuring the provision of quality support services to Open and Distance Learning (ODL) students making use of the 52 NOLNet-affiliated centres countrywide.

  1. Mr Gabriel Uunona
  2. Ms Miems Louw
  3. Ms Antoinette Wentworth
  4. Ms Alexia Van Harte
  5. Ms Aletta Shikukumua
  6. Dr Sadrag Shihomeka
  7. Ms Mildred Besser
  8. Ms Selma Limbo

The function of the Standing Committee on Training is to advise Management on matters related to the realisation of well-trained and motivated tutors, writers and institutional staff in ensuring that Open and Distance Learning (ODL) students in the NOLNet partner institutions are fully supported.

Standing Committee on Training

  1. Ms Brenda Kaumbangere
  2. Ms Bernadette Cloete
  3. Mr David Vatilifa
  4. Mr Walde Uusiku
  5. Mr Aveshe Munjika
  6. Ms Imogene Hilukilwa

The function of the Standing Committee is to advise Management on matters aimed at strengthening advocacy for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) activities at all levels. In particular, this means the execution of an action plan which targets certain activities linked to the broader Terms of Reference.

Standing Committee on Information and Publicity

  1. Mr Japhet Kazavanga
  2. Ms Jacky Bock
  3. Ms Rholene Bok
  4. Mr Alfons Kahuikee
  5. Ms Fransina Matsi
  6. Ms Albertina Nekongo
  7. Mr Johnson Mutirua
  8. Ms Selma Ngola

The function of the Standing Committee is to advise Management on matters related to the use of ICT for education, training and development at the Ministry of Education and NOLNet partner institutions. It promotes and coordinates e-Learning activities of NOLNet partners and rolls out other e-Learning activities on behalf of ETSIP for the Ministry of Education.

Standing Committee on eLearning

  1. Mr Gabriel Uunona
  2. Ms Miems Louw
  3. Ms Antoinette Wentworth
  4. Ms Alexia Van Harte
  5. Ms Aletta Shikukumua
  6. Dr Sadrag Shihomeka
  7. Ms Mildred Besser
  8. Ms Selma Limbo

The function of the Standing Committee is to advise Management on matters related to the production and broadcasting of educational radio programmes, as well as the production and distribution of content on CDs and DVDs.

Education Radio is a multi-sectoral initiative initiated by the Ministry of Education with funding from the Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP). It includes government ministries and NOLNet stakeholders that can benefit from radio broadcasting. Its function is to provide quality educational radio programmes to be available on air throughout Namibia.  To date, Education Radio is broadcast on NBC national radio, UNAM radio and Live FM in Rehoboth. The Education Radio Project envisages all radio stations across the country to be recipients and disseminators (by air) of the content it produces in order to reach a wide range of beneficiaries. 

Standing Committee on Educational Radio Production

  1. Mr. Manfred Isaacks- NAMCOL (Coordinator)
  2. Ms. Edvig Karipi- NAMCOL (Chairperson)
  3. Ms. Isabella Katjerungu- NAMCOL
  4. Mr. Steve Simuketa- NAMCOL
  5. Mr. Andries Visagie- UNAM
  6. Mr. Robin Tyson- UNAM
  7. Ms. Belinda Jansen- UNAM
  8. Mr. Hans Eichab- DAE- MoEAC
  9. Vacant- NIED
  10. Ms. Joy Hambabi- NUST

Click to View Education Radio Projects

The function of the Standing Committee is to advise the Management on matters related to promoting quality assurance for Open and Distance Learning (ODL) activities at all levels.

Standing Committee on Quality Assurance

  1. Ms Lisa Ngeama
  2. Ms Charlene Kaereho
  3. Ms Aletta Shikukumwa
  4. Ms Justina Kavale
  5. Mr Gotty Kaperu

The function of the Standing Committee is to advise Management on matters related to the research capacity building and promotion of collaborative research among NOLNet partner institutions and the Ministry of Education.

Standing Committee on Research

  1. Dr B. Sichombe
  2. Mr Vilho Eendjala
  3. Ms Tutaleni Nampila
  4. Dr Miriam Hamunyela
  5. Dr Lydia Iipinge
  6. Ms Selma Kandjengo
  7. Dr Aletta Hautemo