NOLNet is governed by a Board of Trustees, comprised of representatives of NOLNet Partners. The Board of Trustees has appointed and delegated some of its powers to a Management Committee.
The Management Committee is comprised of officials from NOLNet Partners. The Secretariat manages the day to day activities of the NOLNet in consultation with the Management Committee, and acts as link between the Board of Trustees and the Management Committee; and the Standing Committees.
The Management Committee established and mandated Standing Committees to carry out specific tasks. The Standing Committees are comprised of officials from NOLNet Partners.
The Secretariat is charged with the day to day management of NOLNet affairs. The office of the Secretariat is hosted at NAMCOL Head Office. The Secretariat is directly responsible to Management Committee and runs the office of NOLNet in close cooperation with the Management Committee and its Executive Body. The staff of the NOLNet Secretariat consists of the Executive Secretary (part-time) and an Office Administrator (part-time).
We will updated info for the standing committee members in due course.
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