NOLNet has 52 Affiliated Centres all over Namibia that provide services to ODL students. The Centres are Libraries, Community Learning and Development Centres and Teacher Resource Centres, and are owned and operated by NOLNet Partners. NOLNet supplements the resources and provides training to staff members of the Centres to the extent possible.
Category 1 Centres [17 of 52]
They have tertiary and secondary levels text books, on-line computers, photo copiers, fax facilities, audio-visual equipment and trained staff.
Category 2+ Centers [17 of 52]
They have secondary school level text books plus others, on-line computers, photo copiers, fax facilities, audio-visual equipment and trained staff.
Category 2 Centers [17 of 52]
They have secondary level text books plus others, fax facilities, photo copiers, audio-visual equipment (some Centres only) and in-service trained staff.
Private Bag 15008, Katutura
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